Dress modestly and respect Moroccan customs and traditions when visiting Morocco. While the country is somewhat liberal compared to other Muslim-majority countries, it is nevertheless better to dress modestly, especially in traditional and rural areas.
Women should wear loose clothing that covers their shoulders, arms, and legs. A long skirt or baggy trousers in combination with a modest blouse or shirt are an excellent alternative. Consider using a lightweight scarf or shawl to cover your hair or shoulders when visiting mosques or religious places.

Moroccan Clothes

Men have more clothing options, yet it is still proper for them to dress modestly. Long trousers or knee-length shorts are fine, as are T-shirts or collared shirts. In more conservative locations, avoid wearing tank tops or sleeveless shirts. Clothing that is excessively revealing or too tight should be avoided by both men and women since it may be seen as disrespectful or indecent. Above-the-knee shorts or skirts, low-cut tops, and midriff-baring clothing are all prohibited.

Walking shoes that are comfortable are essential, especially if you wish to tour the medinas (ancient city neighborhoods) or participate in outdoor sports. For warmer months or beach settings, sandals or flip-flops may be appropriate. Morocco’s climate varies greatly, from hot and arid desert parts to milder coastal locations and the Atlas Mountains. Pack clothing appropriate for the places and seasons you intend to visit. Layers, such as a light jacket or sweater, are typically recommended because temperatures might decrease at the nights or at higher elevations.

When in doubt, examine how the natives dress and follow their example. By wearing appropriately, you will not only follow local conventions, but you will also improve your whole cultural experience in Morocco.